
Welcome to my website. I’m glad you’ve come to visit. Here you’ll find information about my books, more than a dozen sample poems, a small collection of my songs and a few videos from past readings. There’s also information about recent and forthcoming journal publications. Hopefully, you’ll discover poems and other things that capture your interest. I invite you to write me with your comments and questions. And thanks again for stopping by.
My Latest Book: The Purpose of Things
The Purpose of Things is a collection of short poems and photographs created in collaboration
with photographer Pieter de Koninck.
“Peter Serchuk and Pieter de Koninck connect word with image throughout The Purpose of Things in a way that creates a distinctive link between the two art forms. The verbal and visual combinations in this volume are stunningly intriguing and ultimately inspiring.”
– Edward Byrne, Poet, photographer and Editor of the Valparaiso Poetry Review

My Previous Books
All That Remains (WordTech Editions)
Waiting for Poppa at the Smithtown Diner (University of Illinois Press)