Letting Go

It’s nothing we say to the Floribunda rose flaunting its silk deep into autumn. Nothing we say to the Sourwood leaves, an orange blaze under the first snowfall. And nothing ever whispered to the charred limbs of the ginko, insisting to bloom through Hiroshima. It’s no...

Chasing My Potential

Like a racehorse, I’ve spent a lifetime exhausting myself, trying to shorten the distance between us. As often as I’ve sprinted, ears back, eyes wide with determination, other times I’ve let myself jog, walk or even sit, wiping potential’s dust from my face, a chorus...

The Record

“You are what your record says you are.” Bill Parcells, famed NFL Head Coach If history is time’s only reliable mirror, what the record says about you and me and all the you and me and she and hims that came before isn’t likely to win wings from any god. But then...

Dead Bird on the Porch

Too lost in song or the joy of his wings, perhaps he did not see the glass door. Or perhaps he did, and seeing his reflection, was unhappy with what he saw; Not the hawk or condor he imagined, his small life more than he could bear. The world weighs heavy on those...

Visiting the Master

I met the master before he died.
his best work behind him, his eyes
colorless and squinting as if they’d
already seen too much. “Nothing changes,”
he shouted at whatever mystery
was listening. The looking back to me,

The Executioner

The eyes are full of illusions, this we know,
nearsighted to dragons in the distance,
farsighted to angels at our elbow.
No, the eyes cannot be trusted, yet
I watched this man die for that is how
I feed my children. As you drive your bus,